Run E2E test

End-to-End (E2E) testing is a crucial component in modern software development, designed to simulate user interactions across the entire application to ensure all components and integrations function together seamlessly. By incorporating E2E testing, we can verify that changes in code do not disrupt existing functionalities, maintaining the integrity and reliability of the system even as it evolves.


Components that need to be installed by the user

  • Go

  • Docker

  • Kubectl

The following components will be installed while using the shell

  • Kind
  • Helm
  • Istioctl


To run the E2E tests, execute the script located in the ./test/e2e directory. This script automates the following tasks:

  1. Installing dependencies: Tools like Kind, Helm and Istioctl …
  2. Deploying a local image registry: A Docker container functions as the local image registry.
  3. Building and pushing the Kmesh image: The custom Kmesh Docker image is built and pushed to the local registry.
  4. Deploying Kubernetes cluster, Istio, and Kmesh: These components are necessary for the tests and are set up in this step.
  5. Deploying test applications and executing the E2E tests.

Command Line Flags

When testing locally, you may want to skip some setup steps to save time, especially after the initial setup is complete. The following flags are available to customize the test execution:

  • --skip-install-dep: Skips the installation of dependencies.
  • --skip-build: Skips building and pushing the Kmesh image to the local image registry.
  • --skip-setup: Skips deploying the Kubernetes cluster, Istio, and Kmesh.
  • --only-run-tests: Skips all other steps and focuses only on deploying test applications and running E2E tests.

Example Commands

  • Full Test Run (First time):


    Use this command for the initial setup and test run to ensure everything is configured correctly.

  • Subsequent Test Runs (Skipping all setup and only run tests):

    ./test/e2e/ --only-run-tests

How to add test case